Lavender-Infused Coffee


If you’re a coffee lover, you will love this simple recipe to spruce up your everyday ‘cup of Joe’ with soothing lavender.


  1. Araceli Farms Culinary Tea - Melissa Varietal (or any varietal of your liking)

  2. 1 cup of boiling water

  3. Instant Coffee of your choice


  1. Bring water to a boil and remove from the heat source

  2. Add half or 1 teaspoon of Lavender Culinary buds (depending on how strong you may want it)

  3. Cover and let steep for 5-10 minutes.

  4. Add desired amount of instant coffee and stir.

*To sweeten the cup, add honey to taste! For a nighttime treat, leave out the coffee and enjoy lavender honey tea!


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recipeJessica Rodriguez