Preserve Winters


Surrounded by some of the richest agricultural land in existence, Winters is also uniquely rich in culture, history, family and community. Preserve aims to showcase this abundance in a way to be enjoyed by all those who walk through our doors. 

Both Cole and Sara bring an inherited passion for preserving food, especially canning, charcuterie, and distilling. For them, the restaurant is a medium to foster and share classic techniques for preserving this season’s bounty for later sustenance. "My motivation is very simple," says Cole, "everyone used to know how to take any extra food they had and save it for later, how not to waste. We must hone these skills and preserve them in our collective minds in order to share them with future generations.”

Their goal for Preserve, as for everything in life, is to be in a continuous state of improvement and provide the means to reward those dedicating themselves to the same principles. With their two children, they enjoying being outside and sharing their table with family and friends.

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